The penultimate poem that I will do to finish off the collection. This is actually a very sweet one, I think.
Disclaimer: Poem copyrighted to Till Lindemann. This post does not
include photos/illustrations of said poem from 'Messer'. The original
German text is also not included. This is only a interpretive
translation and accuracy is not guaranteed.
The sun will go down
I shall stand outside your window
I hear the birds in me sing
The evening will bring me good
Your cold flesh comes to me
Oh, come here, you cold thing!
Please be bloodless in appearence only
I'll soon shoot fire within your bones
Live slow; but die fast
Outside it is slowly becoming light
I knot my own stiffened veins
Around your icy tendons
It does you good; it's fun for you
The meat is hot; the lager is cold
The bird, oiled and pale
Lies for warmth within your grass
Comments: Oh, Till, you romantic soul, you. ;_;
Though I admit to briefly choking on my drink when I saw 'Das tut dir gut' at the start of the fourth stanza - which of course is part of the chorus of 'Ich Tu Dir Weh'! Gah. x.x But enough of that. I'm very happy with this one. 'Cold thing' was also 'kühles Tier' in the original, 'cold animal', but I translated it poetically.
One of my favorites! You may be amused to know that "Making Love like Birds" is a very old (medieval) German slang for f***ing like maniacs. Hence all the sweet little birdies. Till, you rascal! ;-)